industry partners



Cámara de Comercio de Manizales

La Cámara de Comercio de Manizales por Caldas, Colombia, is an institution dedicated to managing the commercial records of the Colombian Department of Caldas. Its functions include promoting formalization, entrepreneurship, innovation and the strengthening of business, as well as long-term projects that impact the department in alliance with strategic actors, contributing to the generation of economic value and development in the region.

Its jurisdiction is made up of 18 municipalities of Caldas: Manizales, Villamaría, Neira, Aránzazu, Salamina, Pácora, Aguadas, Philadelphia, La Merced, Marmato, Supía, Riosucio, Anserma, Risaralda, San José, Belalcázar, Viterbo and Marulanda. It has a business stock of 26,699 registered companies.